Saturday, 31 March 2012

To Screnzy or not to Screnzy, that is the question...

First post here for a while, I know! Sorry about that.

For anyone who wasn't aware, in November 2011 I did NaNoWriMo for the fifth time, and wrote a whopping 160k words in just 30 days. Now, NaNoWriMo has a sister event called Script Frenzy, where the aim is to write a script of at least 100 pages in just 30 days. It takes place each year in April.

I've done Script Frenzy just twice before, although my record there isn't as good as my Nano record. I failed my first attempt in 2008, but won on my second attempt in 2009. (I didn't participate in 2010 or 2011.)

After my epic NaNoWriMo 2011 the very lovely and awesome NanoLondon people have been trying to persuade me to do Script Frenzy this year, but I've been hesitant to throw my hat into the ring.

Script Frenzy is hard. Even though it involves writing fewer words in total when compared to NaNoWriMo, layout is important, which can be a pain to get right. And I find it a lot harder to choose the right words to write.

Also, the time of year isn't great. I've only just about recovered from NaNoWriMo! Plus, I'm doing 120 credits worth of Open University courses at the moment (which is the equivalent amount of credits that a full time student would do) and they take a lot of time and effort. On top of that, I also have to consider the fact that I'm working full time (although I have the week of Easter Monday off).

And so, with everything that I've got going on, doing Script Frenzy on top of that would not be a good idea.

It would be a case of just taking on far too much.

It absolutely, positively, would not be a sane thing to do...




Which is why I've decided that, this year, I WILL do Script Frenzy!

I mean, this academic year I've already done an awful lot, with the quantities that I've done already being an insane amount. Why start doing the sensible thing now?

I was at the ScrenzyLondon Kick Off party last night, and I was asked what my page target was going to be, considering how much I did for NaNoWriMo. Now, the official target for Script Frenzy is 100 pages, which works out at an average of 3 1/3 pages per day. That seems like a nice sane target...

So I'm going to go for 200 pages instead!

So, all this starts from tomorrow. You can follow my progress through my Twitter account (@karlsgreen), or my profile on the Script Frenzy site.

Let the insanity commence! (Or rather, go up to a higher level of insanity...)

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